five card stud poker

- rules and tips

five card stud is quite similar to seven card stud, but of course you only get 5 cards. it is probably one of the oldest forms of poker. there are no joint cards (community cards). each player will end up with one card with the photo side down and four cards with the photo page up on the end of the game.

How to play Five Card Stud Poker

the players are given a card they can't see (the hole card) and a card they can see ( the up or door card).

the players then have a round (betting round) before the dealer distributes a new card players can see. When the players have 5 cards there is a final round of betting and the player with the highest hand wins the pot.

5 card stud has its history back to the 1850s but is still played by a large number players. 5 card stud is relatively easy compared to other poker games and should be attractive for fresh poker players. there is also an excellent introduction to 7 card stud that Maybe it will be played by even more.

Strategy and tips
  • you can see most cards for the opponents, so you should easily be able to determine how good hands they can have.
  • if you do not beat the opponents' visible cards, throw yourself early.
  • if you try to fill a flush or straight, check that the other players do not have the cards you are missing.
  • high cards and couples will win many of the hands.

Five Card Stud is one of the poker games that is most commonly live among people