With Ha PY 5 Casino organizes a fun competition until July 9 where the main prize is a trip to Luana Waikiki.
The journey includes:
- Round trip from a large
Airport in Europe to Honolulu
- Private transport to and from the airport
- 7 Nets Stay at a four-star hotel in Luana Waikiki
- Turtle snorkel cruise with catamaran
- Surf course for two people at Waikiki Beach
- 250 € i cash
In addition to the great dream journey, 500 people share one Premium pool of 10,000 € Between themselves as the following:
- 2nd place: 2000 €
- 3rd place: 300 €
- 4th place: 250 €
- 5th to 501st place: 15 €
To join the competition you need to collect tickets and you do that to play on slot machine "Aloha! Cluster pays ». For every 100 $ you play for you get 1 ticket. You can collect a maximum of 50 tickets a day and the more tickets you collect, the greater the chance to win one of the prizes.
Win a dream trip to Hawaii